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questions about the sail freight schedule?
Posted: October 7 2013
Here are the answers.
(remember, we depend on the wind and the tide.)
Location & Time:
Town dock 5pm
Event: Reception with Peter Bardunias, President of the Southern Saratoga Chamber of Commerce; Tom Mahoney, of The Express; and Mechanicville Mayor Anthony Sylvester a conversation with Captain Steve Schwartz and Erik Andrews
Thank you Mechanicville!
TROY oct 12
location & Time:
Downtown Marina 2-4pm
Thank you Duncan Crary Jeffrey Buell and Collie Collin
Event: First pop-up market
HUDSON oct 14
location & Time:
Rick’s Point at the Hudson Waterfront 3-6pm
Event: pot-luck, music and market with Hudson Sloop Club, WGXC, letterbox Farm Collective, Kite's Nest and more. Retiring to the half moon after
Thanks to Nick Zachos and volunteers
location and time:
Maritime Museum 12-2pm
50 Rondout Landing Kingston, NY 12401
Event: Farmer's market, lecture, and music at Kingston Maritime Museum with Transition Town Kingston
Thanks to the Maritime Museum and Pamela Boyce and Gai Galitzine of the Transition Town movement
BEACON oct 20
location and time:
Beacon Farmers’ Market: 11am-3pm
at the river by the train station
Event: Farmer’s market and picnic with Beacon Sloop Club
YONKERS oct 24
location and time:
Groundwork Hudson Valley Science Barge, time TBD
Downtown Yonkers just North of the Yonkers Pier.
Event: Reception at Groundwork Science Barge
CERES meets the CLEARWATER for a meal and music at the Science Barge
Location and time:
Brooklyn Navy Yard, 3-5pm, reception after
Building # 313
Event: Cargo demonstration with Quinciple and Revolutionary Rickshaws. Reception at the BROOKLYN NAVY YARD with Brooklyn Grange, triple island, Agger Fish, Marlowe and Daughters and participating restaurants.
location and time:
New Amsterdam Market 11am-4pm
South Street between Beekman Street and Peck Slip
Event: pumpkin carving, doughnut frying, music and market
and a toast to the first of many VSFP runs!