Proper Procedure, if you find wild animals,
or orphaned animals-- on your land.
seek food from humans for the rest of their lives.
California Department of Fish and Game, website for Region 4 (central coast/valley/mountain):
phone: 559-243-4005
The bear-feeding should be reported to CDFG as soon as possible -- there's no way around getting them involved, as they will probably be the only ones with the resources, and authority, to relocate the bears.
Performing Animal Welfare Society
209-745-2606 or [email protected]
(this is the elephant, tiger, & bear preserve that I visited in October): This organization focuses on rescuing animals from bad zoos and circuses and roadside attractions, etc., but they probably know more than most people about how to respond to a situation like the bear-feeding situation (though they'll probably refer you to CDFG)
California Council for Wildlife Rehabilitators interactive map to find a rehabilitator in a particular county:
It's the rare wildlife center that takes bears, but you can call any center and ask the staff there for a referral to appropriate people (though they'll probably refer you to CDFG first)
California Council for Wildlife Rehabilitators main site: