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project director at the portland area csa coalition

Posted: December 11 2012

Download the full job description HERE. romanesco medium(1)
Job summary: This position will manage a two-year, $65,000 USDA Specialty Crop Block grant, aimed at increasing new Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) memberships and retaining existing ones, in the Portland metro area. The project director will be expected to work independently in managing all aspects of the grant, including arranging for travel to outreach events in the metro region, identifying and working with subcontractors (marketing specialists, web designer/programmers, and graphic designers), and collecting and reporting CSA statistics for the duration of the grant. The project director will also develop and distribute marketing and outreach materials, solicit and give presentations to interested groups, and interact with Portland Area CSA Coalition (PACSAC) farmer members. Finally, the Project Director will be responsible for meeting reporting requirements (biannual and final) to the Oregon Department of Agriculture, as well as regularly updating the PACSAC Advisory Council and farmer-members of the progress of the grant project. The Project Director will be encouraged to seek additional funds to extend the scope and/or duration of their work.

