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pesticide database

Posted: March 3 2014

An incredible resource for information about pesticides, particularly the ones you see the containers of laying in the field near your house…pesticides

PAN Pesticides Database

The Pesticide Product Search page allows you search for formulated pesticide products. Formulated pesticide products typically contain mixtures of active ingredients and other ingredients. Active ingredients are listed on the labels of all U.S. pesticide products. If you wish to search for individual chemical active ingredients, use the Chemical Search Page. The Pesticide Product search page allows you to search for 376,798 current and historic U.S. registered pesticide products - these include 92,240 'parent' products and an additional 284,558 products which are simply repackaged versions of the original product. Some of the most popular product searches are for: Roundup UltraDursban ProRaid Ant & Roach KillerWeed & FeedAdvantage 100Diazinon 50 WPParaquat Concentrate ESCarbofuran TechnicalDemand CS InsecticideSevin 10 Dust, and Mancozeb Fungicide.



