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Pastured Pork webinar on November 29

Posted: November 20 2011

The Principles of Pastured Pork: Raising Hogs on Pasture: with Bruce Hennessey of Maple Wind Farm, coordinated by the UVM Extension New Farmer Project
November 29, 2011, 7:00 pm

Bruce Hennessey, with his partner, Beth Whiting operate Maple Wind Farm, a pasture-based diversified livestock, vegetable and maple syrup farm in Huntington, VT. The farm produces 100% grass fed beef & lamb, pasture-raised broilers,eggs and organic turkeys, vegetables and maple syrup. As lifelong educators and environmentalists, Bruce and Beth are interested in helping people to learn about sustainable production methods. This webinar will focus on raising hogs in an intensive pasture management program.   Bruce will present on general principles of pastured raised hogs, including breeds, supplemental feed, fencing and water systems, farrowing and swine health.  This introductory presentation will cover the basics of pasturing hogs and help new farmers get started off right.
Newcomers to online learning are welcome. All you need to participate is internet access and a computer that you can hear sound through.
To participate, please go to http://www.uvm.edu/newfarmer and click on "Webinars"  at about 6:45 am EST on November 29, 2011.  For more information, contact [email protected] or call 802-223-2389x203. If you require accommodations to participate in this program, please let Jessie Schmidt know by November 22, 2011 at 802-223-2389 or 1-866-860-1382 (toll-free in VT) or [email protected] so we may assist you.


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