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our solstice mixer is one month away!

Posted: May 22 2013

Don't miss it.
Solstice Mixer Grange Campout June 22-23, Keeseville, NY
It’s our yearly summer blow out,
- Spoken word artist Laura Brown Lavoie
- A presentation by Vermont Sail Freight visionary Erik Andrus,
- Eight painted panel exhibit of GRANGE HISTORY, by Severine and Ripley
- Dancy music by POCATELLO in the Ausable Grange Hall #945
- Electronic SAFECOMMUNICATOR, & BLKTHY playing at the bonfire afterwards BYOB.
- Sneak peak of OUR LAND next episodes (Texas cotton! Michigan cherries!)
Its two jam packed days of north country activities: Blacksmithing at the horse nail factory, tubing in Ausable chasm, tour of the underground railroad museum, guided naturalist hike up  Pocomoonshine mountain, hay wagon multi-farm tours, visit the homestead of abolitionist John Brown, or hit the trails in 6 million acres of wild forest. Options for everyone, so pack up a wagon and get yourselves north for a weekend away!
TO RSVP, get directions, ask questions and receive the schedule of events please email:[email protected]

