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nyc foodworks report

Posted: December 8 2010

On November 22nd, City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn unveiled an 86 page, comprehensive plan that sets a bold vision for a more sustainable food system—a ground-to-garbage approach unprecedented in the history of our city.

The plan, ‘FoodWorks’, provides a blueprint for addressing issues at every phase of the food system - from agricultural productionprocessing, distribution, consumption and post-consumption. The proposals focus on combating hunger and obesity to preserving regional farming and local food manufacturing to decreasing waste and energy usage.
Speaker Quinn outlined 59 policy proposals spanning five phases of the food system. The proposals included new legislation, funding initiatives and far-reaching goals that present a long-term vision for a better food system.

The Council worked with experts including farmers, gardeners, chefs, partners in government and labor, as well as hunger and environmental advocates throughout the process of developing the Food Works report.
FoodWorks: A Vision to Improve NYC's Food System (report): FoodWorks
download the report HERE

