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north carolina farmland

Posted: December 22 2011

Farmland available – Arden NC (20 minutes SW of Asheville).

We are searching for a farmer who is interested in putting our small plot of land into production.  This is land only, no housing; just under 3 acres of flat land w/2 streams (unnamed stream and Avery’s Creek - *might* be useable for irrigation). There is a somewhat serviceable barn on site for basic equipment storage. The fields are in sod, and as far as we know, the land has been in pasture for the past several years (or maybe since the house was built in 1925). We are offering this land for free in exchange for a small amount of produce for the house each week (it is a short-term rental) and maintenance of the grounds (weekly grass cutting around the house, mowing other areas on an as-needed basis). We may be able to assist financially with some infrastructure (fencing if needed; purchase of fruit trees, etc.). Looking for a multi-year commitment.  This land is surrounded by the Cliffs at Walnut Creek which may be a potential market for produce buyers or CSA members.
Contact: Kim Gundler and David Gorzynski
[email protected]