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new project for fertile underground

Posted: April 4 2011

an artist agricultural initiative in Providence, Rhode Island. They've got a new project, which you can help support through kickstarter.

Here's the scoop:
Our mission primarily involves reclaiming "vacant" land for growing food, producing compost and forming beautiful living environments.  Continuing to share our love for fresh & non-toxic food, we are organizing some new methods for local food distribution on a medium scale.  One of these is our Food Truck, which will be traveling Providence serving prepared foods, and sharing the joy of Rhode Island farm goodies, coming in May.
The community has requested we expand this business venture, into also opening a "Rhody Bodega," offering naturally grown local produce and grocery goods, in a beautiful Victorian neighborhood which was left behind as a "food desert," yet now is home for a variety of residents from all walks of life and many parts of the world.
We are working to reclaim sanity for the food system, by opening a locally-owned, cooperatively run "mom & pop" grocery store, whose produce is sourced within a reasonable days travel (even by donkey), and which supports local operations every step of the way.  We are addressing a smattering of buzz-word issues from food desert obesity to food security to plain old Quality of Life.
We're doing some online fundraising, as a first way of gathering the resources to see this project through.  I'll let the video do the rest of the talking, you can reach it here:"https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/funderground/fertile-underground-grocery" or at www.FertileUnderground.com/kickstarter .