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New NOFA-NY Beginning Farmer Workshop
Posted: April 23 2011
The NOFA-NY Education Team pleased to announce our newest addition to the NOFA-NY Beginning Farmer Summer Workshop Series. This event will take place on three farms in the Ithaca, NY area on May 16th, focusing on working season-extension infrastructure into a farm’s yearly production plan. Each farm will give insight into the types of season extension that they use. There will be a post-workshop salad potluck (location TBA) where all participants are asked to contribute something to a collaborative bowl of salad.
The event and registration link: Season Extension Workshop
Remember, our Shiitake Mushroom Production Workshop is approaching on May 7th! We would love to have a big crowd for that one as well! See www.nofany.org/events/field-daysfor all our upcoming events.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (585) 271-1979 ext. 511 or Matt Robinson at ext. 503.