north carolina: awesome panel on resiliency, apple genetics, rare livestock breeds and branding!!

This exciting panel discussion will provide insights into the importance of biodiversity and sustainable land and water use to a resilient food system. Individually, and collectively, these entrepreneurs are contributing to the economic vitality of our region by offering value-added choices to the marketplace.
Featured panelists:
Eliza Greenman- Heirloom and hard cider apple orchardist at Foggy Ridge Cider, fruit explorer, collector of very rare and old apple genetics, fruit tree nursery owner, and blogger for the Greenhorns.
Eric Hallman, PhD- Executive director of The Livestock Conservancy. The conservancy is working with farmers, chefs, historians, consumers, and others around the nation to re-introduce nearly 200 endangered breeds of livestock and poultry to the food supply.
April McGreger- Owner of Farmers Daughter Brand Pickling and Preserves and Andre 3000 fan. She has adopted a nimble business model that allows her to celebrate the taste and spirit of the South, while adapting to the climate-induced agricultural fluctuations of the region.