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nash farm tour

Posted: April 11 2011

The annual farm tour at Nash's Organic Produce in Sequim is coming up. Special discount price for farmers if you call into the PCC Farmland Trust office to sign up (206) 547-9855.
Also, word is there's a barn dance that evening, so stick around for that too

Cultivating the Next Generation of Farmers
Join PCC Farmland Trust, Nash Huber and his team on Saturday, May 14th as we visit the fields of Delta Farm. Nash will talk about transitioning his business to the next generation and introduce the young people who manage the farm's day-to-day operations - many of whom have been with him for over a decade. We'll tour around the farm, hear about innovative plant breeding and the importance of preserving organic seed for the future, and enjoy a farm-fresh lunch. Representatives from North Olympic Land Trust, Organic Seed Alliance, and Tilth Producers of Washington will also be on hand to field your questions and pass on their expertise.
Registration is now available online (see below). Call to inquire about farmer discounts (limit 20).
New this Year! Sunday Brunch with Nash
Join other farmland preservationists for an intimate brunch and discussion with Nash and Chef Gabriel Schuenemann at Alder Wood Bistro on Sunday, May 15 at 11am. Come with questions and share a truly local, organic feast. We'll also "pass the hat" to raise funds for PCC Farmland Trust.
Groveland Cottage B&B (right next door to Nash's) is offering a 15% discount to tour participants.  Contact Simone at www.sequimvalley.com to book your room.
Thank you to our partner and media sponsors
Melissa Campbell
Stewardship and Lands Associate



