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Mumford Farms
Posted: June 28 2011
Help fund Anna Mumford's film about her family's Indiana Farm! 15 days to go on her kickstarter campaign.
A year ago, inspired by the work I'd been doing with the local food community in NYC, I began a film project about my family's corn and soybeans farm in Indiana. The farm, located in Griffin, Indiana near the confluence of the Wabash and Ohio Rivers, has been in my family for six generations. At first the land was used for hunting, but in the late 1800 it was logged and converted into pasture land for mules and other stock animals. Parts of the farm were also planted as apple orchards and used for raising hogs and grazing cattle. With the creation of the market for commodity crops, in my grandfather's generation the land was used primarily for growing corn and soybeans, and that's primarily what the land is used for today.I began the project as a way to initiate a conversation about the future of the farm within my own family, but I soon realized that our story spoke to larger audience - both to farming families like my own trying to figure out who in the next generation will step up and farm the land, and to urbanites interested in local and sustainable food issues. My goal is to begin a dialog between conventional farmers in the corn belt who provide the calories that we rely on, and locavores eager to have a greater understanding of the challenges facing our food system.
Over the last year, I’ve completed two film shoots in Indiana, and I am planning to return for a third trip this summer to film a test-plot of watermelon growing on the farm. With the footage from my first two shoots, I edited a 10-minute preview of Mumford Farms, which has screened at the Anthology Film Archives in NYC, and at the Stanford Alumni and Northside Film Festivals. I'm currently in the process of fundraising on Kickstarter to complete a more in-depth documentary on the farm, and I would love any support you're able to contribute.