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mofga: grow your own organic garden workshops

Posted: February 21 2014

Grow your own organic garden MOFGA
Locations across Maine
April 2, 2014: 6-9 pm

Are you concerned about the rising cost of food? Unsure what the term “certified organic” means? Interested in learning how to grow your own vegetables in a sustainable manner?
Join MOFGA for an evening-long workshop on how to grow your own garden, where the basics of soil science, how to enrich your soil to produce healthy, high-yielding plants will be discussed. The course will also cover the basics of making and using compost, the principles of crop rotation and how to incorporate green manures and manage nutrients in the garden. Other topics will include how to tell the difference between cultivated plants and weeds, basic weed control strategies and common insect pests and methods of natural insect control. The instructor will be an experienced farmer or gardener from your region.
More about these workshops and MOFGA can be found HERE