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midwest young farmer gathering & field day

Posted: August 12 2012

Upper Midwest CRAFT and the Biodynamic Initiative for the Next Generation are teaming up for a fantastic farmy weekend August 25-26 atAngelic Organics Farm and Learning Center in Caledonia, IL.

Farm Machinery CRAFT Field Day ~ Saturday, August 25, 1-3:30pm
Farmer John Peterson will demonstrate 5 different pieces of farm machinery including the overhead irrigation system/traveling gun, power wiggle hoe, soil block maker and seeder, Planet Junior seeder, and subsoiler with GPS tractor guidance. It's a great chance to see these tools in action and get your machinery questions answered a master farmer!

Young Farmer Gathering ~ Saturday, August 25, 12:30pm - Sunday, August 26, 11am
After the CRAFT field day we will gather to share our experiences of this crazy 2012 growing season, then stir and spray biodynamic preparation 500 (horn manure), tour the Learning Center's livestock, see a goat milking demonstration and create farm skills learning plans. In the evening hours we will enjoy a potluck dinner, take a tractor tour of the vegetable fields with Farmer John Peterson, and finish off the night with a bonfire and bluegrass tunes by Cpt. Captain. After a night under the stars, there will be hot eggs and coffee in the morning!
We hope you can make it! Register online at: https://www.biodynamics.com/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=17


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