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make sure your senator votes for local farmers!

Posted: June 8 2012

It's June, there are more things to be done than can ever be finished, and the Senate is taking critical votes that will affect our farms for the next 5 years. That means it's time to multitask.
Today, whether you're feeding the chickens, hoeing the carrots or milking the cows, we ask you to grab your phone and make a quick call to show your support for these key Farm Bill amendments:
BROWN. This amendment will restore funding for beginning farmer training and value added producer grants.
TESTER. This amendment will set aside 5% of annual funding for the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative for public cultivar and breed development.
GRASSLEY-CONRAD. This amendment will make it unlawful for a meatpacker to own, feed or control livestock intended for slaughter for more than 14 days before slaughter. This will reduce vertical integration of the livestock market and help independent and family growers compete.
MERKLEY. This amendment will address barriers to make crop insurance more accessible to organic farmers. 

To help pass these amendments, please call your Senator before the floor debate begins on Monday. Every call makes a tremendous difference.
Just dial the Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Ask to be connected with one senator from your state, and then call back and ask to speak with the other one. Once connected, introduce yourself and ask to speak with the agriculture staffer. Tell that staffer (or leave a message) that you support the amendments above.
Please send any questions or feedback you receive from offices to: [email protected].
Thank you!
Lindsey, Wes and NYFC’s Farmer Management Board


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