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make money as an urban farmer

Posted: April 10 2011

there's a workshop coming up in Santa Rosa, CA and more to follow around the country.  We'll keep you in the loop!

Make Money as an Urban Farmer!
May 1st & 2nd, 2011, 8am - 6pm, Santa Rosa, California
A 2-day workshop presented by the Sustainable Commercial Urban Farm Incubator (SCUFI) program and sponsored by the ShareExchange of Santa Rosa.
Featured Trainers:  Curtis Stone of Green City Acresand James Kalin of the SCUFI program.
Curtis will share how in 2010 he used SPIN-Farming® to build a multi-lot 1/2 acre urban farm that in its 2010 six month first season grossed $20,000, and is on track to gross $60,000 in his 2011 second season.
James will describe how a SCUFI trains farmers and helps them get money and land to set up their own commercial urban farms. He will also explain how your farm can make extra profits by integrating farm operations into the grounds, structures and systems of nearby buildings and businesses.

Sunday: Indoor lectures and demonstrations
Monday: Outdoor hands-on business and field exercises
For a review of the Feb 19-20 workshop by an attendee visit Lexica's "Boom-de-yadda" blog at: http://lexica510.livejournal.com/189083.html
Early registration: $199.  After April 17th: $249.
Sunday overnight group campout available.

Register: http://www.scufisantarosa.eventbrite.com

Flyer (1-page): http://www.virtuallygreen.com/scufi/sreventflyer.pdf
Brochure (8-pages): http://www.virtuallygreen.com/scufi/sreventbrochure.pdf
Workshop blog: http://virtuallygreen.com/scufis/
Questions? Contact: James Kalin, [email protected]


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