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maine/NH young farmer mixer! sept 28th
Posted: September 12 2013
It's time to celebrate the harvest and connect with fellow young farmers! On Saturday, September 28th, join us for the kick-off event of the Greater Portland Young Farmers Coalition, the newest chapter of the National Young Farmers Coalition! NYFC chapters bring farmers together to share meals, opportunities and strategies for overcoming the obstacles we face in starting careers in farming. It's a wonderful community to be a part of, and you won't want to miss this party.
We're kicking it off with a hands-on workshop at Frinklepod Farm at 12pm, a 4-acre farm with CSA and farm-stand! Topics include weed & pest management, greenhouse construction, sheet mulching and farm design. Refreshments provided! (244 Log Cabin Rd Arundel, ME)
Then we'll head over to Neverdun Farm, a homestead down the street, for a Young Farmers Mixer at 5pm filled with local foods, Allagash beer, Green Bee Soda, a live band, and bonfire. It's a potluck, so please bring a dish to share! (259 Log Cabin Rd Arundel, ME)
Everyone is welcome to camp out on the property. Be sure to bring warm clothes, a tent, and a few dollars for a Sunday breakfast of pancakes, farm fresh eggs, and maple syrup!
Please RSVP + more info @ http://youngfarmermixerme.brownpapertickets.com
Can't make it to the workshop? That's ok! Join us when you can.
Have questions? Email the organizers:
Have questions? Email the organizers:
Laura Hackney, Frinklepod Farm @ [email protected]
Erica Emery, Rustic Roots Farm @ [email protected]
Thank you to Vermont Compost and Farm Credit of Maine for your support.