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last chance book theme WRITING!

Posted: February 20 2011

Below the themes still sought for the Storey publishing book project.  An anthology of Greenhorns essays. READ THIS LINK FOR ESSAY GUIDANCE. Drop Dead deadline March 12th.


living in a trailer
crop mob
farmers markets, comporting yourself for maximum sales
wholesale, not getting fleeced by the fancy chefs
construction skills
welding for women
taking dorky business classes/grown up decisions

christianity+ farming
branding, logo, tweeters
Slaughterhouse woes
living in a small town for the first time/country manners
old timers with mashines save the day
intergenerational transfer
denied credit, eligible for credit
Getting money from uncle sam
Farm-based business
Using excel.quicken, bookkeeping
Salvage and scavenge
Local Politics
INter-generational transfer
tools, marvelous tools
dumpsters, marvelous dumpsters
Farming is political. Farming is democracy.
dating for dairy-girls
family support
free choice CSA+ other adventures
I have a back-ache/ overcoming back-ache
farm shock, aculturating to the culture of agriculture
institutions ( farm bureau, grange, farmers union)- theory and practice
punk farming- theory and practice-
this food is not for sale- choosing self sufficiency over commerical farming
Economies of scale-- for reals. Bigger for a reason.
Collaboration makes it happen
Land trusts/vista fetish/stand in line for easements/salvation in paperwork
on living a low status lifestyle
BIG beef/poultry contract farmers suck and get all the subsidized credit to build factories
bikes on farms
westward migration. Yankee learns to farm in Cali
landlord is awesome, landlord is drag
holistic management changed my life
heritage breeds . yes yes yes


