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join the milk maid

Posted: March 31 2011

Farmstead Cheesemaking Class!
Join cheesemaker Louella Hill, of the San Francisco Milk Maid and Doniga Markegard, on Saturday, April 30th from 9 to 12 p.m. for an action packed morning of cheesemaking at Toto Ranch. Pack a lunch and enjoy time with the cows, learn about grass-based ranching and visit the farm store. In an intimate class Louella and Doniga will teach you the secrets of homemade yogurt and kefir. You will also learn how to make a chevre-style cheese so simple it'll only take 20 minutes of your day, as well as the recipe for a crumbly, quick queso fresco. And lastly, learn how to make the world's best feta!
$60 Paid in Full by April 20th
$40 for Buying Club Members Paid in Full by April 20th
We are providing childcare during the class for those of you parents who want to participate. The Children will be near, but not in the classroom.
Children: $10 per child.
E mail us @ [email protected]This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by April 18th  with the following info:

  1. Full Name
  2. Phone #
  3. # of children in need of childcare and ages
  4. A little about your cheese making experience.

Please send a check by April 20th for the full amount to:
Markegard Family Grass-Fed
20080 Cabrillo Hwy S
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
We will send you a confirmation when we have received your payment.