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join the greenhorns team!

Posted: December 31 2013

We're looking for two people for key roles within the greenhorns universe! An Episode Editor/Line Producer for OUR LAND and an office manager/project manager for Greenhorns HQ.  Read on for full descriptions of each position, and for how to apply.IMG_2938
First up, Episode Editor/Line Producer for OUR LAND
This is a position for a talented editor to cut and line-produce 10, short episodes(5-12 minutes) for the series OUR LAND. These episodes have been shot in the past 2 years across 12 states by cinematographers Jordan Kinley and Ben Stechshulte. Our wonderful intern Meg Bantle spent the entire summer cutting selects and doing transcriptions for the 160 hours of footage. We have laid out the 12, multi-character episodes into spreadsheets. We have cut 4 teaser videos that you can watch on our website. The per-editing episode budget is $2,300 and requires you to come to Essex, New York.
Included in this job is all organic and local food and a big room to sleep in our large Adirondack lakeside headquarters, plus a barter of half a pig -- a chest freezer full of home-grown Smithereen Farm organic Pork. We all eat from Essex Farm, a horse-powered CSA .We have a full editing suite with all the drives ready to go, and already backed up. We've learned that each episode takes a full week of intense work, roughly 80 hours. Ideally we talk and negotiate soon, let you look at the footage, and we start on either Jan 2nd or January 30th. Then we jump right into the work and go on for 6-10 week stretch.
Please contact Severine (film director) at 415 299 1436 for questions, and email [email protected][email protected] with your resume, reel and letter of interest/ availability. You can watch the 4 teaser trailers we've posted at Ourland.tv for a flavor of the footage and style. Then we can have a phone/ Skype discussion.
Our Land is a series of web films about farmers and others addressing urgent issues in American agriculture. It is about opportunity, and the practical ways we can move forward, despite obstinate challenges: contaminated soil, changing weather, monopoly, rural exodus, drought, flood. Although it is hard work, it is the work we have to do. Each episode introduces us to the players and positions of those working to build the new economy in the shell of the old one.

Greenhorns is a 6 year-old grassroots network for young farmers, with a primary focus on community organizing and cultural enlivenment. Our mission is to promote, recruit and support new farmers in America: we work with organizers, activists, artists, researchers and other rowdy types to pursue a wide diversity of cultural work. Our first media project was a documentary film, The Greenhorns which won Best Documentary at the Rural Routes Film Festival, and screened more than 1,400 times in community venues across the country. We do weekly podcasts on Heritage Radio Network, and have published 2 books: The 2013 New Farmers Almanac and Greenhorns: 50 Dispatches from New Farmers in America (Storey Publishing, 2012), along with a number of smaller booklets, posters and handbooks. Here is our blog. We have organized farmer mixers, trainings and parties in 37 states. These "Our Land" films will be distributed in partnership with Good Food Jobs (an online farm job search engine) and UP UP Farm (an educational farm film festival distributed to schools and colleges) as well as by Agrarian Trust. This year our team coordinated logistics, cargo and communications for Vermont Sail Freight project, shipping 15 tons of shelf-stable local foods 330 miles by sail-barge down to Manhattan. Right now we're in the middle of doing a community history project on the revival of the Grange movement. We like big, complicated projects with many collaborators.

2nd Position: Office Manager/Project Manager for Greenhorns Headquarters in Essex, NY

Greenhorns is a 6-year-old grassroots organization based on the shore of Lake Champlain in Essex, NY. (Right across from Burlington VT). Our mission is to promote, recruit and support young farmers, helping them network, access relevant institutional resources, meet one another, and gain the courage to build a business around their love of farming.Our programming is diverse, ambitious and involves logistics. Mostly it falls into 2 categories: Events and Media Production.
In the media category: weekly radio show on Heritage Radio Network, various guidebooks, essays and audio collections, reports/studies that we commission, our odd-year New Farmers Almanac, ongoing production of recruitment posters, and an open-source map database of young farmer resources. Plus! An active blog and attendant social media hoopla. There is also a futurist/ community history project about the Grange movement.
In the event category: Farmer mixers, the Vermont Sail Freight project, Seed Circus events at museums, Farm Hack events, Agrarian Trust conferences and symposia and workshops. We still sell screenings and DVDs of our own documentary, The Greenhorns, and have started promoting a whole festival of other young farmer films that we bundled together called Up Up Farm.
About headquarters and the work that is here: We have a large agricultural library to tend and keep organized. We have digital and theatrical equipment to manage, as well as a merchandise and publications sales, mail and office management. Our events are often quite elaborate, with many decorations and ephemeral infrastructures/tents and artists and crafts-people in residence who make these things but must be tended to. We have a director to tend: Severine v T Fleming is founder and figurehead of Greenhorns - she is working on films and a book and launching a new organization, Agrarian Trust, so she needs help.
About Staffing and this Job: Usually there are 3 or so part-timers working for Greenhorns, joined by a larger number of remote volunteers to run various parts of the ship, writing publications, producing radio, shooting video, editing almanac etc.. In the first 4 months of 2014 you'll be working on the following projects: Up Up Farm outreach, Our Land Film post-production, fundraising, helping to coordinate a conference in California, touring French open source technologists around New England, tabling at conferences to promote Kiva Zip loans for farmers, Editing the 2015 New Farmers Almanac, and all the coordination that goes along with these projects. This job comes with some flexible hours, it means some traveling to events, some staying at home and keeping up with backend and coordination. The office is very nice and everyone gets their own desk, access to the kitchen, garden, bikes and lake. We have created at total and complete list of all tasks associated with this job that we will send you if you are interested and want to know more. ( email Kristen Loria <[email protected]>)
If you are not familiar with our work, please visit our websites to familiarize yourself with the mission, methods and background. To apply please write a one-page letter of interest and send a resume with three references, including a character reference, a former employer and someone who can reflect on your group work. If you have any writing samples please send those along. We are looking to make a really good hire, to treat you well and give you a lot of responsibilities and ownership over what we do together. We expect a minimum of 1-year commitment after the trial period.
This is a part time position with flexible hours, most of our employees in the past have worked another job on a farm while working with us. Nearby there is a small start-up cafe and grocery store owned by Juniper Hill Farm, they are hiring, as are quite a number of the small farmers in the area- many of them horse-powered farms.
Email all these to [email protected]. We will be vetting proposals, and getting in touch for interviews at the very end of January.