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job posting in the hudson valley!

Posted: March 13 2011

Herondale Farm a mixed-livestock, grass-based, holistically managed farm in the Hudson River Valley is looking for interns/apprentices/willing workers for the 2011 Season. Ideally April through October but the start and end dates are flexible with May through August being the most critical periods.
We raise grass-fed cows, pigs, sheep and chickens and sell to high-end restaurants, in farmers markets, and on-site at our farm store. We also share a portion of our land with Sol Flower CSA -- so there is the opportunity to learn about vegetable farming as well if you'e interested.
We are currently seeking one worker for the season. The ideal candidate has:
* A strong interest in local, sustainable agriculture, specifically a desire to work with livestock.
* No experience necessary (though it would be great) We want to encourage students or aspiring farmers to come learn
* Eager, polite, able to follow direction;
* Hard-working and highly motivated. Prepared to work in the heat for long hours. Being fit and energetic helps with this.
* Good communications skills; able to work and live in a cooperative environment
Continue reading for full job description and how to apply!
Job Description:
* Assist in all aspects of animal husbandry, including (but not limited to) fencing pasture, moving animals for rotational grazing, herding sheep with sheepdogs, driving animals to processing, farm marketing, delivering and selling at a farmers markets and to restaurants.
*  Work begins at 7am and ends around 6:30/7pm, depending on the day. There is an hour provided for lunch.
* The work day is 6.5 days a week, one day off and one day of morning/evening chores only. One paid vacation day is earned each month.
*There will be an opportunity to work one week on a paid farming exchange in Essex County, New York.
Additional Benefits:
* Housing is provided.
* Access to long-distance phone calls, a computer with wireless internet and a laundry.
* A salary is provided
To apply:
* Please email a cover letter and resume or a letter expressing your interest and background to [email protected]
* For more information see our website: herondalefarm.com