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job openings at monkshood nursery, NY
Posted: February 3 2012
Monkshood Nursery began as a potted herb nursery in 2001 later became a thriving 82 acre parcel of land for growing vegetables for farmers markets and a CSA the garden keeps on growing - its a beautiful place in Stuyvesant, New York and may be your future place of employment!
Greenhouse grower.
An experienced greenhouse grower to oversee and manage 3/4 of an acre of certified organic greenhouse crops, including AYR salads, tomato growing, shoot production and potted and cell tray transplant production.
This position has the potential to be year round.
(keep reading for two additional open positions!)
Field manager.
Seeking an able bodied enthusiastic grower to oversee and run the existing 6 acres of certified organic vegetable field crops, to be expanded to 10 acres in the near future. This position will include overseeing the cover crop management for the rest of the farm that is not currently in vegetables. This position runs from april thru november, with the potential to become full time year round as opportunities open up.
Processing room manager.
This person is the one who makes sure that all the right vegetables are in the right place at the right time with the right labels on them, i see this person also helping significantly with the transplant sales in the spring, and also becoming the main liaison in between Monkshood Nursery and its restaurant sales. This position will be PT, Dec - April, and full time for the rest of the year.
This goes hand in hand with experience and confidence. If the right person is there then after a trial period then it would be appropriate to move to a salary. If they are new and need alot of training then it may well take more time to achieve that status. I do not have much in the way of on farm housing currently, but i do know of several apartments nearby that would be a just a short walk to the farm.
Also, each of these positions should have the ability to be able to run a farmers market booth, especially as from may thru june we have alot of Plant sales that Monkshood attends, and we will need extra help for those markets, and possibly more as the vegetable harvests pick up.
It would be my hope that these folk, in addition to the existing staff, would be able to work together for the big harvest days, and then break apart and manage each of their departments as tasks dictate.