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Job opening at Stone Barns (Tarrytown, NY)

Posted: December 3 2011

Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture is a non-profit farm and education center located 25 miles north of Manhattan in Pocantico Hills, New York. Stone Barns operates an 80-acre four-season farm. Through our Growing Farmers Initiative, children’s education programs, and diverse public awareness programs, we aim to improve the way America eats and farms.
The field foreman provides comprehensive management and leadership in Stone Barns sixacre vegetable field.  In addition to crop production, an important component of this position is educational outreach to multiple audiences.  This position reports to the Four Season Farm Manager.
Continue reading for full job description!

The successful candidate will be responsible for:

  • In coordination with Farm Manager, administering all necessary applications specific to vegetable field production  -- planting, harvesting and processing, equipment operation and maintenance (including tractors, hand tillers, implements and hand tools), field maintenance and fertility
  • Assisting in planning and implementing crop, field maintenance and harvest schedules
  • Participating in the application process and the supervision of apprentices, interns and volunteers specific to field production operations and education
  • Providing regular educational content for apprentices and interns of systems, methods and philosophy consistent with the production at Stone Barns
  • Leading and participating in organized tours, youth and family programs, camps, adult education, public interpretation and potential off-farm programming
  • Interpreting the mission and practices of SBC and the farm to all staff, volunteer and visitors
  • Record keeping for field production (all field plans, planting and harvest notes)
  • Coordinating with the Farm Manager all regular operations and marketing of field produce through regular and formal communication and long term planning practices

The successful candidate will also be expected to participate in other Four Seasons farm operations and Center-wide initiatives.
·       Agricultural experience
·       Tractor experience, including loader operation
·       Enthusiasm for and understanding of Stone Barns mission
·       Outstanding communication skills
·       Supervisory experience and management training
·       Commitment to safe farm practices
Stone Barns Center offers a salary commensurate with experience and comprehensivebenefits including medical, dental, vision, life insurance and 401k plans.  This is a year-round, full time, exempt position.
To Apply
Please send cover letter and resume to: [email protected]
Applications will be accepted through 12/15/11.  Interviews will take place 12/1-12/21. Expected start is between 1/1-1/15/12.
Stone Barns Center is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes candidates from diverse backgrounds.