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job helping farmers get land loans, california (where they need it badly)

Posted: November 9 2012

California FarmLink is excited about the progress our loan program has made in the last 2 years.  After several of making loans through a partner organization (California Coastal Rural Development), FarmLink secured its own Farm Service Agency guarantee in the Spring of 2011 and began the path to establishment as and independent farm lender.  Last Fall, our new Director of Lending, Anthony Chang, started working with a variety of farmers throughout the state. We have made nearly 2 dozen loans in the last year, with more in the pipeline.
To help facilitate FarmLink's growth as an agricultural lender for small and under-served growers, we are looking to hire a Finance and Operations Manager.  This position will manage the financial, operational, and administrative components of the Loan Program and the organization. FarmLink is hoping to find a full charge financial manager with drive and enthusiasm to maintain and upgrade systems consistent with a growing non-profit loan portfolio and technical assistance provider, who can easily transfer those skills to administrative and IT capacities for the entire organization.
The job posting is listed on the FarmLink home page: www.cafarmlink.org or directly at: http://tinyurl.com/farmlinkoppsmanager