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job at cloudview eco farm, washington

Posted: February 2 2012

Lead Grower(s) for new Market Garden Project
Cloudview EcoFarms are developing a market garden and farm stand near the towns of Ephrata & Soap Lake, WA. We are looking for a couple of people to co-create this project with us, living on-site and farming the land for vegetables. There is also a lot of land that would be suitable for raising goats, pigs, and chickens. The positions and work are largely self-managed, a great opportunity for anyone with an entrepreneurial, pioneering spirit. While this project is 40 minutes from the main Cloudview Farm, it is very close to the town of Ephrata. This proximity means there is tremendous potential to involve local people in the farm through volunteering, farm dinners, workshops, tours, retailing out of the farm store, and other special events.  
Housing – Free doublewide mobile home situated on 20 acres with a huge barn.
Compensation – depending on experience some combination of hourly wage and profit sharing
Job Description
Planting, weeding, watering, harvesting, and selling crops
Working with tractors and implements for field preparation
Selling retail out of a farm store
Selling at the Ephrata farmers market
Marketing and outreach to find new customers, build sales
Coordinating a community gardening program
Landscaping and beautification, mowing, weed wacking
Collaborating with the other Cloudview farms on special projects
Organizing farm spaces
Packing the CSA
Delivering orders and CSA shares
Lots of opportunity to raise pigs, goats, chickens
Leading tours and/or gardening workshops
Please email [email protected] to submit a cover letter and resume for the position(s)
We are looking for 2 people to coordinate this farming project.
Webiste: www.cloudviewecofarm.org
Cloudview EcoFarms main farm is near Royal City, WA, in sunny and hot Central Washington, about 45 miles east of Ellensburg. We irrigate with Columbia River water to grow a variety of crops. We are always working towards a more sustainable and ecological farming model. A large portion of the vegetable growing land is certified organic. A great deal of the apple orchard is certified organic and the orchards in general are Food Alliance Certified.
We grow for farmers markets, an 85 person CSA, grocery stores, restaurants, institutions, and schools.
Farming Overview -
15 acre vegetable farm connected to a separate 150 acre farm
Several acres of heirloom and specialty apples
Small herd of nubian goats for milk and meat
Flock of chickens for eggs and meat
Pigs for meat and eating all the gardening / food scraps
Flower beds, medicinal and culinary herbs
Seed saving
There are 8-16 people working on the main farm at any given time. We have group meals, meetings, special events, and of course much work around the gardens and farms.  We also dry, can, and freeze as much food as we can for the winter, grind our own grain, grow our own dried beans and corn, and save many of our own seeds. We welcome diversity, many different kinds of people work on the farm.  We have a communal ethic around recycling, composting, yard and landscape tending, and animal care.