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iowa farm & rural life poll

Posted: December 14 2011

From Iowa State University Extension & Outreach:

We are pleased to present you with the 2011 Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll Summary Report. This year’s survey was completed during January and February 2011 by 1,276 Iowa farmers. The 2011 Farm Poll survey focused on a range of issues that are important not only to agriculture but to all Iowans. Several questions focused on climate change and what, if anything, should be done about it. Conservation of Iowa’s soil and water is critically important to the long-term health of our economy and environment, and a number of questions examined conservation issues. The report also examines farmer Internet use and national budget priorities.
Please use the links below to access this year’s summary report in either HTML or PDF format. Please note that the Farm Poll home page also contains a link to all previous Farm Poll reports, dating back to 1982. Over the past three decades, we have collected and analyzed a wealth of data on rural and agricultural issues. We hope that you will take the time to explore our site and bookmark it for future reference.
Link to the 2011 summary report home page
Link to the 2011 summary report in PDF format
If you have any questions regarding the Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll, please feel free to contact Dr. J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr. at 515-294-1497 or [email protected].

