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internships at sandhill farm & community

Posted: March 17 2011

Sandhill Farm is a 35 year old intentional community located in rural, northeast Missouri. Our current population is 6 adults, a 15-year old, and a 2 year old child. We grow 90% of our own food including vegetables, herbs, fruit, grains, beans and shiitakes. Our farm is certified organic and we actively blend in the essential principles of permaculture and biodynamics. We maintain a small poultry flock for eggs and meat. We occasionally raise pigs and we annually hunt deer on our property for our meat. Half of the farm income comes from homegrown, agricultural products including sorghum, mustard, tempeh, honey, salsa and various condiments.
We typically host 4 interns each growing season to share what we have learned of sustainable gardening and nutritive food processing practices. They become involved in all aspects of community life from cooking, choring, childcare, consensus style meetings, social gatherings, town trips, etc. We prefer folks to come for the whole season however we are open to stays of 10 weeks or more. We provide all meals, housing, friendship, hospitality and a monthly stipend. We greatly appreciate the help that interns provide, their enthusiasm for the lifestyle here and their contribution to the dynamic social mix here. There are two other intentional communities down the road from us that add to our social lives. Candidates are directed to www.sandhillfarm.org for detailed description of our program and contact information.