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intern with hudson valley seed library

Posted: February 15 2011

greenhorns, here's a great opportunity with our good friends at the seed library.
The Seed Library is looking for interns. We really need the help and hope to make each internship a valuable learning experience. In addition to small-farming basics, our interns also get a chance to learn seed saving skills and be part of the inner workings of the Seed Library.
We’re figuring out housing so our interns can live on the farm. This means being part of our community which is still taking root on a dilapidated 27 acre Catskill resort property. Our small farm plot is located in the heart of the property. This year we’ll be hand-cultivating 2-3 acres and over 75 varieties of flowers, vegetables, and herbs, mostly for seed.
1. Full Season Internship: March 15- November 15 (8 months)
2. Early Season Internship: April, May, June (3 months)
3. Late Season Internship: August, Sep, Oct (3 months)
We provide: Housing, Stipend, Vegetables
You provide: Work 4-5 days per week (negotiable)
These internships are farm based, but are well rounded. Work includes:
Farm labor: Weeding, planting, seed starting, cultivating, harvesting, seed saving, seed processing
Seed house: Packing seeds, shipping orders, seed storage, blog posts
Land: Orchard, chickens, mowing, scything, light construction/demolition, homestead chores
Name, Email, Address, Phone
Resume, please include if you have any garden/farm experience.
2 References: 1 personal, 1 job
Please let us know why you are interested in interning at the Seed Library and which internship you can do. You can apply for 1, 2, or all 3.
Please email your application by Feb 27th.