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intern on an organic farm in PA

Posted: February 1 2011

Run by greenhorns!
Blackberry Meadows farm is an 85 acre organic vegetable farm (12 acres in cultivation). We're located only 1/2 hr outside of Pittsburgh, but live in a rural setting. The farm is managed by a group of friends (4) who just purchased the farm in February 2008. We're young farmers with some experience under our belts and are learning the farming trade.

We have 150 member CSA and attend 3 farmers markets. We're well connected to the farming and sustainable communities here in Pittsburgh and we'd love to teach you what we know! Along with growing vegetables and fruits, we have a grass based poultry operation and are trying our hand at raising pigs this year too! Collectively, we have a variety of skills that we're happy to share, from knitting and spinning, to canning, wood working, welding, seed saving and cooking, as well as, business management and farm planning. We encourage our interns to take on a project here a the farm. Come up with an idea and we'll help make it happen! We provide room and board here in the friendly farm house with us. You can expect to have full days of hard work, but we do make time for fun! We also make it a point to take trips out to surrounding farms and learn how other farmers are doing it. Pittsburgh is close by, so there's lots of opportunities for weekend entertainment and adventures.
Be prepared to be a part of our community! Interns will work along with us 5 days a week for 40 hours a week with weekends free. Daily tasks are diverse - weeding, harvesting, washing, landscaping, planting, chicken duty, and seeding are just a few examples of tasks to be accomplished on the farm. Be prepared for long days and hard work - but we eat together, play music on the porch in the evenings and have fun too!
We have a great resource library and will take time to answer questions and explain what and why we do things the way we do.  We have two furnished bedrooms in our farm house. Expect to become part of the farm family. We'll supply food, but will not purchase mainstream grocery store products that are packed with GMOs and high fructose corn syrup.
If you're interested in an internship at our farm www.blackberrymeadows.com please contact [email protected]