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interested in meat rabbits?

Posted: May 17 2011

Jenna of Cold Antler Farm is hosting a workshop that will get you started -  August 7 at the farm.

It will be held on Sunday, August 7th. The 4-hour workshop will include an hour lunch, (10AM-3PM) and explain the basics of setting up a small rabitry for personal use. You'll learn the basics of setting up housing, feed rations, hay, ear tattooing, pedigrees and butchering. There will be a live demonstration of harvesting a rabbit, from cage to freezer wrapping, and I am planning to have kits for sale: a mix of the Chin, Palomino, Rex, and Silver Fox bloodlines. They will grow into hearty stock for sure, as all come from proven does and bucks.
I will be contacting Bruce of Wannabea Rabbitry in Manchester Vermont as well. If I can convince him to come along, he will be a wealth of information and certainly have stocl and cages to sell. I don't know anyone else who has a better system and raises a better meat rabbit around here. And if anyone is interested in going beyond tha basic three-hutch system for a family: he can help you out.
So if you'd like to learn how to add a little homegrown protein to your garden's bounty, live in a suburban area where chickens aren't allowed, or just like the idea of clean meat close to home: come on over. There will be a campfire and cold drinks that evening if anyone wants to stick around. If you're own ears are perked, send me an email at [email protected], and I'll give you the details. Hope to take at least ten registrations!
Here's a great article about raising rabbits for food from the NY Times, lots of great photos!

jackson, ny


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