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indigenous conference on rights of mother earth

Posted: March 9 2012

Alliances are being formed, globally of Indigenous and non-indigenous groups and individuals committed to creating a system of jurisprudence that sees and treats nature and Mother Earth as a fundamental, rights bearing entity. A paradigm, that is based on Indigenous thought and philosophy needs to be forwarded which grants equal rights to nature and which honors the interrelation in all life.
A 3 day conference has been scheduled at Haskell Indian Nations University, in Lawrence, Kansas, April 4-6, 2012 with Indigenous Peoples together from the North and Global South to learn more and to have a discourse about this Rights of Mother Earth, Rights of Nature movement.
We invite humanity to come together to improve our collective human behavior so that we may develop a more sustainable world.  We can preserve, protect, and fulfill our sacred duties to live with respect in this wonderful Creation.  We have the power and responsibility for change.
Tom B.K. Goldtooth
Indigenous Environmental Network

Dr. Daniel Wildcat
Haskell Indian Nation University


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