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hub camp: the nuts and bolts of local food distribution

Posted: February 14 2014
LocalOrbitLos Angeles, CA: Mar. 16 – 18, 2014
Davis, CA: Apr. 27-29, 2014

Practical training for the entrepreneurs and organizations building the New Food Economy.  

Walk away from Hub Camp with a 6-month action plan to hit the ground running!
An action-oriented approach to learning, launching and adapting as you grow your local food system.

  • Business Model Mapping.
  • Operations and Service Design.
  • Work through your unique challenges with farmer development, wholesale buyer education, finance, food safety, logistics, operations and storytelling.
  • Three hands-on days with experienced operators who have launched and managed supply chain businesses.
  • To maximize impact attendance is limited to 15 participants.

Click HERE to learn more and apply