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holistic management workshop

Posted: September 12 2013

Diverse, Innovative Small Farm Production Practices
Date: Monday, September 23, 2013
Location: Creekside Meadows Farm, Deruyter, NY
On-line registration closes Monday, September 17!
Our Creekside Meadows Farm Day is part of HMI's new Open Gate On-Farm Learning Series. Open Gate is an action-based approach to learning. At the Creekside Meadows Farm Day you'll see how fellow New England land managers are using multi-species grazing and integrated cropping practices to improve pasture health and soil fertility. We'll show you how to monitor for soil health and inventory forage for better grazing practices. If you don't have livestock, that's OK because we'll also cover how to develop a whole farm goal so you can make better on-farm decisions. Everyone will learn...
How value-based goal setting can improve on-farm decision making.
How beginning and experienced farmers can improve their business management skills through Holistic Management Whole Farm Planning
How integrating livestock with crops can improve soil fertility and profitability
About a low-cost, low-impact small scale grain growing experiment for pig foraging.
How to create on-farm compost, including use of slaughter waste
Ways to develop on-farm retail sales and other forms of niche marketing and complementary enterprises.
How to incorporate the next generation of farmers into your operation
You'll hear how Holistic Management enables producers to better manage risk, make better decisions and enjoy the benefits of sustainable agriculture
You - and the group - have the opportunity to identify common problems and discuss common solutions in a friendly atmosphere. With experienced facilitators and producers on hand, the goal of the day is to identify and solve a current problem - and to create a forum for sharing practices, ideas, advice, and solutions to that problem.
The process: small groups of people come together to work on something that is real and current, and each person gets individual time from the others. When you leave at the end of the day, you'll take away practical ideas on how you can increase profit, production and performance for a sustainable ranch operation.
Join ranchers, farmers and resource managers from around New England for this action-based learning day- and take home some new tips and ideas you can put to use.
Space is limited, so be sure to register in advance
$20.00 per person in advance. $30.00 per person on-site (includes lunch)
more HERE


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