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holistic management with allen savory

Posted: November 7 2012

Young farmers in the area - scholarships are available! email [email protected]
Holistic Management Keynote and Workshop Presented by Allan Savory of the Savory Institute
9 November 2012,
Town Hall Seattle, Seattle, WA
Are you ready to change the world?
Whether you take the big picture view or work as an individual from the bottom up, a holistic approach to decision-making in business and in your personal life can help change both the global world and your world.
Eating our Way to Healthy Planet: Can how we eat help reduce climate change?
Agriculture and livestock production are often named as major contributors to climate change and other environmental problems such as poor air quality, polluted water supplies and degraded land. There is truth in these accusations, but the blame needs to be focused on the way that the food is being produced; not the food itself. This realization can help consumers make decisions about buying and eating food that actually sustains our environment instead of hurting it.
Allan Savory will talk about how a holistic approach to food production can bring the land back to life, increasing the amount of carbon being sequestered in the soil. Allan will also discuss how consumer behavior can create market pulls that will result in large-scale changes in how food is produced, which in turn can greatly reduce the impacts of climate change. These decisions can make a difference in the health of our planet and the people who live on it.
Registration caps at 300 attendees
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