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help change perceptions of elec-truck conversions for the future of farming!

Posted: April 13 2021

You may already know that we’ve been making big efforts to convert a variety of our farm’s machines to battery electric power but this year we’re tackling the farm’s single biggest emitter: our delivery vehicle!  We’re going to replace our aging diesel van with a first-of-its-kind Elec-truck.  By partnering with conversion pioneers at Ecotuned automobile we will convert a 6 ton Ford E450 cube truck into a clean, green, veggie-hauling machine – our farm’s only delivery vehicle!  So, as of later this spring, our farm will deliver every organic vegetable we produce to our hundreds of local families with zero emissions.

The project is costly and innovative and that’s why I’m seeking your assistance.  We want to both raise some money to reduce the financial burden but, more importantly, we want to RAISE AWARENESS that this kind of project is not science fiction and we don’t have to wait for Amazon or Tesla or others to lead the way and follow a decade later.  Nor should we allow the foot-dragging pace at Ford and GM and their kin to lead us further down our path to climate catastrophe.  Big changes to the way we haul and deliver goods are already possible: in fact, most of the technology is already decades old!  Please help to share this project widely as changing perceptions is really the bigger target of this project.

We sincerely believe that if people see a small farm like ours with limited means converting our only delivery vehicle to electric power it may change how they see their own personal and business decisions regarding emissions and transportation.

Help us get the word out and/or make a donation to ensure the success of this project and we will keep working tirelessly to provide the proof that change for the better is possible and attainable.

~ Reid AllawayTourne-Sol co-operative Farmles Cèdres, QC
