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health insurance toolkit

Posted: May 2 2011
Getting Covered is a campaign to inform young adults and their families about dependent coverage, the provision in the new health care law that allows young adults to stay on their parent's plan until age 26. This provision is important. It alone has the potential to cover over 2 million of our nation's 18.9 million uninsured young adults. And it will not add a single dollar to state or federal budgets. Getting Covered will ensure that all young adults, parents and families have the information they need to take advantage of this benefit.
The Getting Covered campaign is the product of over twenty national organizations and dozens of state and local groups, all dedicated to making health care reform work for young adults. The campaign is coordinated by Young Invincibles -- a national organization representing the interests of young Americans between the ages of 18 and 34. Citizen Engagement Lab, an incubator for online organizing and new media initiatives, is providing strategic and technical support to the campaign.
visit the homepage and download it!



