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greyrock farm internships

Posted: December 3 2012

Download the details here: Greyrock Farm - 2013 Job Description.
Greyrock Farm
Greyrock Farm is a full-food, free-choice, year-round CSA. In addition to our CSA, we also have a weekly farm store and we sell to local restaurants.
We raise pigs, lamb, chickens, and beef for meat. All slaughtering and butchering are done on the farm. We have a small dairy herd, primarily Brown Swiss, and we are certified to sell raw milk. We also have a flock of 200 laying hens. For the 2013 season, we will be growing 7 acres of vegetables. All of our vegetable fieldwork is done either by hand or with draft horses.
For more information about Greyrock Farm visit us on facebook (“Greyrock Farm CSA”) or go to: http://www.greyrockfarmcsa.com/