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greenhorns to be sainted

Posted: May 20 2011

By Reverend Billy on Sunday! 7:30 PM at Theatre 80 in NYC's East Village, and at our LIVE WEBSTREAM. Tickets are $10, but no one will be turned away.

This week's service (5/22/11): Celebrating greenhorns & Farmer's Markets

We need more farmers in our society, to feed us, yes, but also to help us interpret the intimate relationship that they have - sticking their fingers in the planet every day, for us all to eat. Flanked by wetlands, and intermingled with habitat for creatures. The farm is a place where humanity exerts itself directly with ecology. The farm is the interface. The goals are human goals - the feedback is nature's feedback.
This Sunday, The Church of Earthalujah will saint The Greenhorns - America's fierce patriots of soil fertility. They work tirelessly to support, recruit and promote young farmers across the country. On their behalf, Sainthood will be accepted by the Greenhorn founder, Severine von Tscharner Fleming.
We'll also saint Alex and Stephanie Villani and from the famous Blue Moon Fish, who have been selling local seafood caught from their boat to the farmers markets of New York for 23 years. We greet them Sunday before the Earth altar and thank them for teaching us sustainability with the ocean and fisheries in such a delicious way!


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