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greenhorns screening oct 17 !

Posted: October 12 2012

film screening of The Greenhorns in the Napa Valley +
a panel discussion with local food champions, hosted by Chef Ken Frank. Reception will follow
Panelists include:
Aaron Keefer, French Laundry Culinary Gardens
Lizzie Moore, Boca Farms
Steve Sando, Rancho Gordo
Pat Tuck, Former Master Gardener
Karen Schuppert, Napa Farmers Market
WHERE: The Theatre at COPIA
WHEN: 7 pm, Wednesday, October 17
$5 Tickets/Free for kids
Tickets available at Napa County Resource Conservation District and http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/274968
Contact: [email protected] or 707-252-4188x116
Proceeds benefit programs of the Napa County Resource Conservation District

