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grazing workshop with jim gerrish

Posted: August 14 2012

Hudson Valley Young Farmers Coalition, The Greenhorns, and Herondale Farm are proud to announce a grazing workshop with Jim Gerrish!  A more formalized poster/image will follow. Save the date and send us an email ASAP to register. Space is limited.

Management-intensive Grazing Shortcourse: One day intensive with Jim Gerrish

The workshop will include classroom time and field observations in Herondale’s pastures.
Wednesday, September 19 10AM-4PM
Herondale Farm 90 Wiltsie Bridge Road  Ancramdale, NY 12503
(518) 329-3769  http://herondalefarm.com/
Jim Gerrish is an independent grazing lands consultant providing service to farmers and ranchers on both private and public lands across the US and Canada. He currently lives in the Pahsimeroi Valley in central Idaho and works with numerous ranchers in the Intermountain West using both irrigated pastures and native rangeland. He received a BS in Agronomy from the University of Illinois and MS in Crop Ecology from University of Kentucky. His past experience includes over 22 years of beef-forage systems research and outreach while on the faculty of the University of Missouri, as well as 22 years of commercial cattle and sheep production on his family farm in northern Missouri. The University of Missouri Forage Systems Research Center rose to national prominence as a result of his research leadership. His research encompassed many aspects of plant-soil-animal interactions and provided foundation for many of the basic principles of Management-intensive Grazing.
He currently writes regular columns in The Stockman Grass-Farmer magazine. He has authored two books on grazing and ranch management. Management-intensive Grazing: The Grassroots of Grass Farming was published in 2004 and Kick the Hay Habit: A practical guide to year-around grazing was published in 2010.
please email [email protected] to sign up, the fee for attending is $65 and lunch is provided.  there is a limited amount of space so please be in touch soon.
scholarships are available from HVYFC, please email [email protected] to request funding [deadline: 09/01/12]
A Hudson Valley Farm Beginnings Skills Workshop
Sponsored by:  Herondale Farm, Hudson Valley Young Farmers Coalition, Greenhorns, Hawthorne Valley Farm Learning Center