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gmo rally in augusta, maine

Posted: May 25 2013


Right To Know GMO: Citizen Lobby Day
Thursday, May 30th
8:00 a.m. To 4:00 p.m.
At The Capitol In Augusta
Please come to the State House to help us shore up support for Maine’s landmark legislation requiring labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food. Momentum is building as the campaign moves forward. We need your help to continue to exhibit a strong public display of support as this bill comes to a vote in the House and Senate.

Play a part in Maine history by participating in the Right To Know -- GMO: Citizen Lobby Day!

We’ll meet in the Cross Café in the ground floor of the Cross Office Building behind the Capitol. Beginning at 8:15, we will provide an update on the bill, and a brief training on citizen lobbying. Then we will move upstairs to the third floor of the State House and help you find your legislators so you can talk to them about the importance of labeling GMO foods.
RSVP - We hope to have a turnout comparable to the Right To Know -- GMO Rally that we held in April. Please let us know if you are coming by sending an email to[email protected].


Politics & Activism


GMOs, Maine