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gill tract news

Posted: May 9 2012

Check out Occupy the Farm's website for updates and read on for some news!

University of California Berkeley Professor Miguel Altieri is planting Gill Tract research crops this morning!
When: Wednesday, May 9th – 8:30 AM
Where: The Gill Tract; Albany, CA
Dr. Miguel Altieri, UC Berkeley researcher, to proceed with research at Gill Tract in solidarity with Occupy the Farm. Altieri, who has been a researcher on the Gill Tract for 31 years, will plant his crops tomorrow, demonstrating that research can exist alongside the Farm. He announced his plan at a university community forum, organized by the Gill Tract Farmers Collective, on the UC Berkeley campus Tuesday evening.
Occupy the Farm: Democracy for Land Grant Universities?
by Eric Holt Gimenez, May 8, 2012 for the Huffington Post
"Here, we are learning democracy through farming... by taking back a public good that our public university wants to privatize," said a volunteer at the information booth for "Occupy the Farm," the current protest at the University of California's five-acre Gill Tract research station.
When 200 urban farmers, students and community members moved on to the Gill Tract on Earth Day, their goal was to protect one of the few remaining class 1 agricultural lands in San Francisco Bay's former "fertile crescent." Whatever the original intent, their action -- like previous occupy actions -- has further opened the national debate on resources, democracy and corporate power. This time it is about food, land and urban agriculture.
The occupiers demand UC Berkeley halt plans for further sale and private development of what was once the site of its renowned International Center for Biological Control. Instead, they propose an urban farm center to serve the research, training and development needs of the growing urban farm population in the San Francisco Bay Area's underserved communities. To demonstrate their point, they cleared the farm's weeds by hand and planted over two acres of vegetables. They set up an encampment and an information center and started holding community workshops on urban farming, community food security and food sovereignty. There are families, children and day care.