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farmland in vermont!

Posted: October 27 2010

13.5 acres in  Plainfield VT - GENTLY SLOPING HILLS, VERY WELL-DRAINED AND COMPLETELY OPEN TO SOUTHERN LIGHT. It was dairy land before 1985.

Here is a note from the landowner:
I would like to have a mutually beneficial relationship with a responsible use of the beautiful land I’ve owned for a decade.
 I am becoming  disabled, and can no longer make as much use of it as I’d planned.  It has been well-cared-for, limed, brush-hogged, hayed, gardened, planted a bit. I’ve been thinking of a crop like Sunchokes, or sunflowers (seeds, oil, sprouts) and/or goats, poultry… am open to all ideas for land use here.
For more information, contact Dee at [email protected]