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farmers mix well

Posted: January 8 2013

More mixers at this year's SSAWG Conference!  Co-hosted by Greenhorns and coming right up. SSAWGflyer_Jan2013Final
From the Southeastern Young & Beginning Farmer Alliance:
We're at it again: throwing parties. Join us for two hoe-downs at this year's SSAWG Conference Jan 23-26 in Little Rock, Arkansas. We've teamed up with a whole slew of friends to host evening affairs and we hope you can join. We'll also be selling t-shirts to benefit SSAWG financial need scholarships. Check out full details for the Alliance mixer on Saturday night at our facebook event page...invite your crew! And Friday night's event details will eventually be available on the Central Arkansas New Agrarian Society page here
Co-hosted by Arkansas Local Food Network, Central Arkansas New Agrarian Society, Dunbar Garden, and Certified Naturally Grown, as well as our old standby sponsors Farm 255, Georgia Organics, The National Young Farmers Coalition, The Greenhorns, Slow Food. Phew, we have a lot of friends! 
Look out for our next transmission announcing our mixer, working group, video project and workshops, all to be found at the upcoming Georgia Organics conference in February in Atlanta.  And as always, we want to hear from you. Email Olivia if you want to be more involved with our brand new shiny Alliance.



