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farm to table manager at woolman

Posted: January 22 2013

The Farm to Table Manager is responsible for managing the Woolman Farm and Kitchen.
The Farm to Table Manager tends the Woolman Farm; two acres of organic vegetables, food forest, and orchard, and oversees the Woolman kitchen with four main goals in mind:
1.     Growing the majority of the produce served in the Woolman kitchen year round.
2.     Generating farm income to offset or exceed the costs of the Farm Program.
3.     Managing a clean, safe kitchen environment that provides delicious food for all.
4.     Providing a rich and welcoming educational experience for all who interact with the farm and kitchen.
The Farm to Table Manager is responsible for coordinating both the work and education that happens on the farm and in the kitchen; supervising interns, students and volunteers there. The Farm to Table Manager teaches intern farming and cooking classes and a student Farm to Table class.
See the full job description HERE