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farm manager on guemes island

Posted: April 26 2011
Gaia Rising Farm on Guemes Island is beginning its first season selling shares as a member supported farm whose goal is helping transition our community to a less energy intensive future.
Our focus this season will be on growing staple crops such as small grains, dry beans, onions, corn and potatoes. We need a farm partner who will be responsible for the physical work of planting, cultivating and harvesting and be responsible for the day to day farm operations. This person will work closely with the project director in setting up planting plans and determining needs for extra labor. There are opportunities for the farm partner to market some specialty crops in exchange for a percentage of the sales. We are starting out with less than 2 acres and are beginning to sell memberships. The right person for the job will have experience in and be committed to organic methods and permaculture. Enthusiasm is important. This is a unique opportunity to get in on the beginnings of a project that is changing our food system from the bottom up. Call Sequoia (Susan) Ferrel for more information, or email her at; [email protected]   360 293 2980  Educational Curriculum and Curriculum Resource list available by email.  There is a program in our Washington county we hope to get an Intern for:  http://wsffn.org/small-farm-internship-pilot-program/small-farm-internship-pilot-program
Facebook Page:    GAIA RISING FARM
Fiscal Sponsor:  http://awish.net/
Main project site:  http://www.madronacenter.org/