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foundation farm is still for sale!

Posted: April 20 2011

and the price has been lowered to $89,000.
Amazingly enough we are selling Foundation Farm.
We are "rebooting" our farming dream-machine yet another time with a new farm projected out for 2010/2011 not very far from here.  Our plan is to attract an organic farmer to our community by offering Foundation Farm, a reputed  farm with a proven track record of sales and fertility, waiting to be further developed.
Here follows some essential information about the farm.  For those interested, the documents listed below in "Appendix" can be mailed to you.
I- Youtube Movies
These 2 short movies made fairly quickly by a friend will give you a feeling for the farm landscape and basic set-up. Here are the links:
II- Description/History
Foundation Farm was founded in 2006 as a USDA (US Dept. of Agriculture) certified organic farm, following 10 years of experimentation in various forms of organic vegetable growing methods.  FF is located in Northwest Arkansas, 10 miles north of Eureka Springs and 50 miles east of a thriving urban area comprising Fayetteville (home of University of Arkansas), Springdale, Rogers and Bentonville.  Immediately north of the farm is the state of Missouri.
Our bioregion is the Ozarks, with soft landscapes made of hills, pastures, woods (oaks and pines mostly) and good water (lakes, creeks, springs and ponds).  FF is in climate zone 6 and gets around 40 inches of rain yearly. The frost-free growing season extends from April 15 to October 15 on average.
FF is set on a beautiful 10 acre open pasture, of which only five acres are dedicated to farming.  The other 5 acres are available for a home, building(s), more farming or other activities.  The farm is on county land (Carroll County, and within the Eureka Springs' School District (with a school bus-stop nearby).
Our immediate neighbors are Phil Wilson, a bee-keeper, who does not live on his land and Diane Weyer who lives in her home.  There is no “problem” activity in the area such as chemical agriculture or “chicken houses”.  The farm is 2 minutes away from a gas station and 5 minutes away from a supermarket.
Access to the farm is ¼ mile from the highway on a county-maintained road (CR 244).  There is only one home before the farm and one beyond with very little traffic going by.
III- Business Summary
FF is has been a USDA certified organic farm for 5 years, and was a cow pasture before that. Sales are through the fast-growing Eureka Springs Farmers’ Market and the 35 year-old Fayetteville Farmers’ Market (over $1,000,000 total sales in 2010), as well as a large natural food store (Ozark Natural Foods) in Fayetteville and a smaller one in Eureka Springs (Eureka Market).  The farm also sells to restaurants in Eureka and Fayetteville.
The market place within 50 miles of the farm is vast and largely untapped and includes the Fayetteville-Springdale-Bentonville “corridor” with over 200,000 people and several fast-growing farmers’ markets (Bentonville, Fayetteville).
There are several new farmers' markets still in the development phase in Bentonville, Neosho (MO), Kimberley City (MO) and Holiday Island right next door.
The farm is located a quarter mile from highway 23 which is a busy connection between Missouri and Arkansas, where a farm-stand could be established.
IV Farm Fertility/Yield
Foundation Farm’s soil is peerless in the area and well documented. High production yields are attained utilizing 60 permanent beds totaling 24,000 square feet  (1/2 acre). FF has produced the equivalent of $100,000 per cultivated acre from 2007 to 2010, in vastly uneven and demanding weather conditions.  FF grows a full spectrum of vegetables and herbs (appendix).
The soil has never been tilled and has reached a level of high fertility over the years.  The farm’s growing system involves several sources of organic matter (mulch, manure, cover crops) to maintain a high level or organic matter.  The last soil test taken in February 0f 2010 (appendix) shows that the farm’s organic matter content stood at a remarkable 6.3%.
All yearly soil tests have consistently shown no need for further fertilizing following the completion of a full growing season.
V Farm Assets
Land: 10 acres, more or less, mostly flat, of farmed land and clean pasture surrounded by tree lines on 3 sides and a bee farm to the West.
Farm Set-Up: the farm is an on-going, efficient operation.  The new owner will save a significant amount of money and time for not having to set up the farm systems in place (appendix: set up costs).
Well: 405’-deep well, with pump set at 360’, yielding 25 gallon/minute, servicing shed and field with potable water.
Soil: as described before the farm soil can be counted as a formidable asset as it stands today as a proven top-yielding medium.
Pond: large pond dug in 2006, equipped with submersible pump for irrigation purpose (electrical line extends from the packing shed).
Hoop-houses: three 100’X16’ hoop-houses (aka high tunnels) built in 2008 and 2009 with high quality greenhouse plastic and galvanized arches (appendix). Total value estimated at $5,000.
Irrigation System: entire farmed area is equipped with drip-irrigation, low-pressure system.  System connects well to field, well to pond, and pond to field depending on the farm’s needs. System includes a “fertigation” bypass allowing fish emulsion or other liquid fertilizer into the irrigation lines.
Misc. Farm Supplies: 200 heavy-duty tomato cages, refrigerator, shelving, green-house benches.
Packing Shed/Greenhouse: 1,600 square-foot shed entirely on concrete pad with (1) attached greenhouse, (2) insulated cool room (includes 2 air-conditioning units).  Shed is plumbed for potable water from the well and wired for a 100amp. electrical service.
Yurt (optional, not included in selling price): hand-crafted and new (2009). It is a large size, light structure at the end of the farmed area, useable in all seasons (but not connected to utilities). It is perfect as a transition structure if building a home, and/or as a future guest house. The Yurt is optional and priced individually. It can be moved out if the buyer opts out.
Trainees Cabin: small size summer-cabin includes 2 beds, compost toilets and cold/hot (solar) water to sink and outdoor shower.
Electrical: (buried lines) to shed with 100 amp service from Carroll Electric.
Water: potable water from the farm’s well tested by Health Department (appendix: HD 2009 test results).
VI Business Agreement
As part of the selling agreement, Patrice Gros, current owner and farmer, will be allowed access to the farm to finish the 2010 season until December 1st (or other negotiated date).  During that time, the new owner is welcome to participate to and observe the farming operations.
VII Price
Foundation Farm is offered for $125,000.  All closing and title insurance documents will be executed through the office of Stewart Title Corporation in Eureka Springs.  All closing costs will be split 50/50 between buyer and seller.
The following documents can be obtained by regular mail (please, only serious inquiries).
Farm founder’s bio.
Farm valuation
Farm profitability-1st year
2009 weekly, monthly, annual sales by crop.
2009 profitability ranking by crop.
2009 Organic Certificate.
2010 U of A Soil Test.
2006 Well Construction Report.
2009 Health Department Well Water Test
Farm Set Up Costs
Warranty Deed (Land Legal Description)
Misc. Land Documents

Contact Info:
Patrice Gros
email: [email protected]
ph: 479-253 7461