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fare grange

Posted: November 26 2013

Resource Highlight: Fare GrangeGrowing Hope hoophouse

We know farming is a special type of business. Farmers require attorneys with expertise that fits their particular operation, especially when they are producing  sustainable, organic, local, or non-GMO food.
Fare Grange Law has that expertise.
Investing in legal counsel before a problem occurs is the most cost-effective use of our legal services. We know, because we have often heard from farmers dealing with potential "business-killer" legal issues that could have been avoided with forward-looking strategic planning.

Fare Grange Law provides farmers with smart legal planning- like proper business entity formation - to help avoid future legal emergencies.
However, it's impossible to plan for everything. That's why Fare Grange Law also represents farmers with urgent legal problems - such as contract disputes, crops damaged by pesticide drift, and crop insurance benefit denials.

