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economic theory

Posted: May 2 2011

Here's a wikipedia bit on Distributed Economies: "There is no official definition for DE, but it could be described as a regional approach to promote innovation by small and medium sized enterprises, as well as sustainable development. The concept is illustrated in the figure below, that shows centralised, decentralised and distributed economies respectively."
At the New Economics Foundation, they're working on a new economic model which "will start with the hard outcomes we need - environmental sustainability; equitable economic justice; and high levels of human well-being."  Read more HERE
In the Berkshire Region Massachusetts, residents and businesses are using Berkshares, a local currency..  'Dubbed a "great economic experiment" by the New York Times, BerkShares are a tool for community empowerment, enabling merchants and consumers to plant the seeds for an alternative economic future for their communities.'
And don't forget Slow Money, the organization whose mission is to build local and national networks, and develop new financial products and services, dedicated to investing in small food enterprises and local food systems; connecting investors to their local economies; and, building the nurture capital industry. Their national gathering is in San Francisco in October.
Is there are economic theory that gets you jazzed?  Tell us about it!  [email protected]